I've learned in my marriage that commitment is greater than love. When I was told that, I didn't like it! But I soon found it was true. The thing about that, though, is that this is true in nearly anything in life, in any relationship or activity or endeavor. Commitment is always going to be greater than love, talent, passion, enthusiasm, energy, etc. If you can remember this you are on the way to happiness and success--and I do want you to be happy and successful! So much love, #YourInternetGrandpa #InternetGrandpa #grandpositivity
Commitment is greater than love.
This is true in relationships but in anything that you love but must do consistently over a long time.
Feb 21, 2025

Reminders that you matter, that you are unique, that you are wonderful, that you are uniquely wonderful, that you matter, and that you are loved!
Reminders that you matter, that you are unique, that you are wonderful, that you are uniquely wonderful, that you matter, and that you are loved!Listen on
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